Your partner
number 1 on the bioplastics market

Are you already part of the bioplastics market? Do you see the world and the plastics industry changing before our eyes? Join the ranks of bioplastics manufacturers and develop production in the most dynamic market segment!

Your partner
number 1 on the bioplastics market

Are you already part of the bioplastics market? Do you see the world and the plastics industry changing before our eyes? Join the ranks of bioplastics manufacturers and develop production in the most dynamic market segment!

Growth rate in the bioplastics market

The bioplastics market, like the plastics market as a whole, is subject to cyclical fluctuations and is strongly correlated with GDP, with the bioplastics market growth rate being by 50%-100% higher than GDP.

Growth forecasts for the bioplastics market

Experts analysing the fast-growing bioplastics market predict that the market will will increase by 20% over the next five years.

A secure investment in bioplastics

Ecology and environmental protection is one of the priorities of European Union policy. It is estimated that in 10 years biodegradable plastics will constitute 40% plastics manufacturing.

Why the bioplastics market

Why bioplastics



Spontaneously decomposed or in composting plants


Require recycling, incineration or landfilling
Raw materials

Petroleum derivatives

Produced from non-renewable (fossil) raw materials
Raw materials


Produced from renewable raw materials (e.g. plant-based)


Benefit: reduction of waste


Benefit: reduction in waste and mineral extraction

Traditional plastics

The challenge: increasing volumes of waste and mineral extraction


Benefit: reduction in mineral extraction

Why Biopolymer

We offer 360° services, i.e. support in every aspect of the successful implementation and development of production in the bioplastics market - from the supply of the highest quality raw materials through certification, product, quality and legal compliance advice to support in product promotion and customer acquisition.

We are practitioners and experts in the field of plastics, and bioplastics in particular. We promote environmentally friendly solutions, but we navigate the hard realities of the market. That is why it works.

What's new at Biopolymer


Wojciech Pawlikowski, ekspert w dziedzinie ekologii tworzyw sztucznych, będzie prelegentem podczas najbliższego spotkania w ramach cyklu „Eksperckich opakowaniowych wtorków” organizowanych przez Polską Izbę Opakowań.