Certification of compostable products
OK compost INDUSTRIAL - confirmation of biodegradability under industrial composting conditions
OK compost HOME - confirmation of biodegradability under home composting conditions
Seedling (seedling mark) - European Bioplastics Association mark for the identification of compostable products
Certification of biodegradable products
OK biodegradable SOIL - confirmation of biodegradability under open environment conditions
OK biodegradable MARINE - confirmation of biodegradability in seawater
OK biodegradable WATER - confirmation of biodegradability in fresh water
We assist in the certification of bio-based products and plastics as well as compostable and biodegradable products
We advise on which type of certificate to choose for a given product and application, then guide the customer through the entire certification process from application to final certification.
We cooperate with renowned certification bodies such as TÜV Austria, whose certificates confirm compliance with the most important requirements for bio-based products and plastics as well as compostable and biodegradable products.
Certification of bio-based products and plastics
OK bio-based - confirmation of the content of bio-based substances in raw materials or products
NEN bio-based CONTENT - confirmation of bio-based content in accordance with EN 16785-1
Find out more about certification
okcompost.co.uk/certifications "
Other certificates and requirements
We can also assist you if you or your customers require other specialised certifications or product labelling, such as International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC Plus), EcoVadis Sustainability Assessment, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Plastic Free, Responsible Plastic Management, Global Recycled Standard (GRS) + Recycled Claim Standard (RCS), EU Ecolabel, Blue Angel or others.