Support for implementation in production

We offer professional assistance in the selection of granules for the production of biobased and biodegradable products in accordance with the characteristics of the final product and the specifics of the technology and production processes.

We help you choose the right bioplastic, carry out process trials and put the raw material into production

For more than 10 years, we have been supporting customers in Poland with technological trials directly at their production sites. We help set up the machinery and optimise the use of production capacity. If necessary, the technologists directly developing the biopolymers we supply are involved in the process.

Biopolymers for different technologies

  • Film embossing
  • Film extrusion blow moulding
  • Pouring of the film
  • Coating by extrusion
  • Thermoforming
  • Injection moulding
  • Injection Blow Moulding
  • Fibre spinning
  • 3D printing

Biopolymers for various applications

What's new at Biopolymer


Wojciech Pawlikowski, ekspert w dziedzinie ekologii tworzyw sztucznych, będzie prelegentem podczas najbliższego spotkania w ramach cyklu „Eksperckich opakowaniowych wtorków” organizowanych przez Polską Izbę Opakowań.